Thursday, 5 June 2014

Michele's Arts Realm: Handmade bookmarks!

Hey, all! So before I get into this new craft post, I want to share a little bit about the volunteering interview session yesterday. Before this, I was very nervous as I practiced every night just to be prepared for the interview. It turned out that there were 30 people coming in the interview space and it was an one-hour orientation+interview with partners. We were not interviewed by the host. We were interviewed by the person sitting next to us...I was like...well I guess I shouldn't have wore my denim skirt and heels in the first place! This was not a professional setting but more like a casual kind of thing. And most of the participants were secondary school students. Moral of the story? Don't pressure too much on volunteering interviews...

Anyway, I've some cutouts from the cardboard box left and I've decided to use them to make bookmarks. Something like these:

It's simple and fun to make these personalized bookmarks. If you want to make these kinds of bookmarks, here's what you need:
- rectangular cutouts from cardboard paper/ cardboard box
- several A4 papers or old magazine to wrap the cardboard
- stapler/ duct tape/ glue
- colour materials: pens/ paints...

1. Wrap the cardboard rectangles with the papers or magazine pages.
2. Stick the sides of each paper to the cardboard with either a stapler or duct tape or glue.
3. Colour and decorate your bookmark (front and back)! You can also add a little inspirational quote to represent you.

What I did with the bookmarks is that I draw flowers on the front and back of the bookmark and then I add a quote or two at the center. I also add my name in three languages at the back (English, Mandarin, and Japanese). I think that's pretty cool. ;)

June 6 2014: I've made these two new ones and they have this little flap at one end.

This time, I cut the paper into two parts (one for the base and another one for the flap (top)). And then I stapled them around the cardboard cutout with the coloured strips to cover the middle gaps. To add a little more detail, I've written a verse and the chorus of my favourite hymn "God Hath Not Promised Skies Always Blue" on the pink cherry blossom bookmark's front and back. (If you want to find out more about this hymn, check out my post somewhere in my blog archive on the right.)

I've also written my name in three languages on the both sides of the flap, plus a little pop-up figure on top.

Same goes to the red rose bookmark. I've written one of my favourite quotes from Walt Disney on the front and a little poetry I wrote myself at the back...

So to insert these two bookmarks into the pages of a book, I would fold the flap onto the front of a page first and then the base at the back of the page. It sounds complicated but it's actually a fancy bookmark to put in.

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